Beach Cleanups
Litter throughout our island and waterways is a serious problem for all of us. Let's Make Cyprus Green hosts frequent clean-up events to help stop waste from entering our waters and raise community awareness about the severe issue of littering and marine debris.
Impact on Tourism:
One major reason why tourists choose Cyprus as their holiday destination is because of our countless number of Mediterranean beaches. However, when our beaches are filled with trash and our sea is polluted with marine debris, it diminishes the beauty and aesthetic value of our island which negatively impacts our main tourist attraction. When our island is no longer inviting, tourists will eventually choose other locations for their vacations. The implication of this on the economy of Cyprus is great. Cities that depend on beach visitors for their economic sustenance will be impoverished and many businesses may have to close down due to the lack of clientele.
The cost of cleaning up marine debris from our beaches requires millions of euros. If we keep Cyprus clean, the high sum of funds that would have been used for cleanups can instead be used for greater purposes such as building sports fields, libraries, or playgrounds for children.
Public Safety:
Plastic waste and marine debris generally have a dangerous effect on people. Swimmers can become entangled in marine debris or people can step on needles or broken glass while walking down the seashore.
Damage to Boats
Marine debris can cause serious damage to boats. It is usually hard to detect debris when on a boat and the impact can be very harmful to the boat as well as the passengers. Large debris can cause a serious crack at the bottom of a boat, the boat propellers can get entangled in fishing line, or the system intakes can become blocked with a plastic bag which can block the engine of the boat.
Littering is entirely a man-made problem, and is entirely preventable. You can become a part of the solution by becoming a member of Let’s Make Cyprus Green and joining us at our beach clean-ups.
Together, we can make a difference!
Beach Token Cleanup Report
On April 2nd, Let’s Make Cyprus Green (LMCG) volunteers carried out a cleanup at Lady’s Mile Beach on behalf of Beach Token ($BEACH), an innovative
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GenPro Beach Cleanup To mark World Cleanup Day on 18 September, Let’s Make Cyprus Green and GenPro carried out a joint clean-up of Dasoudi Beach in Limassol,
Отчет об очистке реки Аматус
Thank you to everyone who participated at our Amathos River Cleanup on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 in Potamos Germasogeia in honor of World Cleanup Day
TSYS: Corporate Cleanup
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Zakaki Marsh Part II Cleanup Report
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NextGen : Corporate Cleanup
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Zakaki Marsh Cleanup Report
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Отчет по уборке пляжа Карнагио
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