Бамбуковые ватные палочки


Switch from plastic to bamboo. Small changes make a big impact on the planet ?

✅ Each box contains 100 pieces
✅ Can be disposed of by simply throwing them into your organic waste or compost
✅ Plastic-free packaging made from recycled cardboard
✅ Sustainable
✅ BPA Free
✅ Vegan

В наличии

Артикул: 1901 Категории: , ,


Biodegradable cotton buds made from bamboo and natural cotton.

Why bamboo? Bamboo is very popular today due to its environmentally friendly features and is widely used among eco-conscious individuals. It has an amazing growth rate making it the fastest growing plant (more specifically a grass) on Earth. In fact, bamboo can be cut without killing the plant. After being cut, it continues to grow at a fast rate while absorbing carbon dioxide and producing up to 35% more oxygen than other plants.


Вес 0.035 кг
Габариты 7.9 × 9.5 × 2.5 см

бамбук, натуральный хлопок


Натуральный, экологически чистый, биоразлагаемый продукт

Возрастная группа

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